Wednesday | April 3, 2024 | 6:00 PM PT

Are you ready to transform your parenting experience?
Join us for a FREE one-hour online Masterclass, Inspired Parenting:
Tools for a Thriving Family
with Michael B. Beckwith and Rev. Suzi Lula, Agape minister and author of
The Motherhood Evolution, on April 3, 2024
No one loves and wants more for their children than a parent.
Parenting is one of the most sacred, important, and profound life experiences, yet, parenting often finds us feeling:
- Overwhelmed
- Exhausted
- In conflict with the very beings we love so much!

If you are longing for a more connected, peaceful, and fulfilling experience as a parent or as someone "reparenting" yourself, we invite you to tune in as Rev. Michael and Rev. Suzi intimately and transparently share their respective walks through parenthood, discuss the parenting gems they learned along the way, and provide you with some transformational tools to ignite your own Inspired Parenting journey!
You will leave this Masterclass feeling equipped, heard, seen, appreciated, and supported as you enter into the possibility of a truly Inspired Parenting journey!

“Parents are the Spiritual heart of the family. When we nourish our own spirits, we ensure that we are best able to nourish the lives of our children." ~Rev. Suzi Lula
Sign Up Now to Attend one-hour online Masterclass, Inspired Parenting: Tools for a Thriving Family
Join Michael B. Beckwith and Agape minister and author of The Motherhood Evolution, Rev. Suzi Lula, on April 3, 2024 at 6:00 PM PT
Is this Masterclass for me?
Yes. This Masterclass is for parents, those who desire to be parents, caregivers in any capacity, and anyone seeking to heal their own childhood wounds, traumas, and past experiences through the re-parenting process.
Parenting As A Spiritual Practice
If you’re ready to have a real conversation on the ups, the downs, the lessons, the questions, the growth zones, and the cries for help on parenting, sign up today for the FREE online Masterclass, Inspired Parenting: Tools for a Thriving Family on April 3, 2024, at 6:00 PM PT.
In this one-hour transformative and transparent session, Rev. Michael and Rev. Suzi will share about their respective journeys in parenthood, and how they’re still evolving into and discovering what it means to parent.
During this candid conversation and teaching, Rev. Michael and Rev. Suzi will bare their lived experiences as parents, while offering tools that will serve to support you at whatever stage of parenting you find yourself in.
Additionally, you will:
The Inspired Parenting: Tools for a Thriving Family Masterclass is a preview to the upcoming five-week course with Rev. Suzi of the same name that begins on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.
The Inspired Parenting: Tools for a Thriving Family Masterclass will stream live on AgapeLive.com. A replay will be available for a limited time, so sign up even if you’re unavailable to watch the livestream.
Register today by clicking the button below and…
Take the first step in becoming an inspired parent, one who is redefining and reclaiming what it means to hold one of the greatest positions and roles on the planet.

This class is for you if you are:

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